Bi-vocational Ministry Certificate

The Bi-vocational Ministry Certificate will consist of 18 credit hours. The coursework will include 8 hours in Bible, 6 hours in doctrine and hermeneutics, and classes in Church Revitalization and Spiritual Formation. The certificate is designed to be completed across three semesters, but students are able to complete it at a slower pace if needed. It is recommended that seven hours will be taken in the first two semesters and four hours in the third semester. The entire certificate will be delivered online to accommodate the busy schedule of the bi-vocational pastor. Bi-vocational Ministry Certificate Advising Sheet.

If you would like to know more about this degree, please contact us at or call (606) 337-3196 EXT: 104.

Course List
Baptist Doctrine 3
Spiritual Formation 2
Church Revitalization 2
Biblical Hermeneutics 3
Old Testament (2 Old Testament Courses) 4
New Testament (2 New Testament Courses) 4
Total: 18 Hours


Student Learning Outcomes

  1. Students will apply proper hermeneutical skills for the purpose of exegeting the Scripture in an applicable way for a contemporary audience.
  2. Students will exhibit growth in their overall Bible Knowledge.
  3. Students will learn and apply tools for spiritual discipline which will result in the furtherance of their personal, spiritual growth.


Clear Creek Baptist Bible College is here to help you succeed by getting your mind off of the problems of money and on to the theological training you need.

Scholarship Offer:
  • CCBBC will match hour-for-hour with the student. The student pays for one credit hour, CCBBC will scholarship one credit hour.*
  • The college will match up to $200 from the student’s church towards the certificate, under the Dr. George M. Asher Church Matching Scholarship.
  • Students who withdraw from the program will be responsible to cover the cost of financial aid that was applied to their account for tuition. This can be appealed to the scholarship committee to review the circumstance of the withdrawal.
  • If a student withdraws, fails an entire semester, or does not enroll for an eligible semester, the student forfeits all CCBBC scholarships towards the certificate.

Students who must retake a course they have failed will be responsible for the full tuition cost.

Financial Aid Policies:

Clear Creek Baptist Bible College created the Bi-Vocational Certificate program with the goal of investing in the theological education and equipping for Christian service those who are dually employed. Through this program, students can grow in their knowledge of the Lord while also preparing for the pursuit of an undergraduate degree.

Through internal scholarships and the Asher Church Matching Scholarship, students are able to pay less than $1,200 for tuition and fees, plus they receive a book stipend which allows them to order their books and pay for them later. However, the student must stay continuously enrolled to maintain the scholarship. If a student were to cease their enrollment in the program, then they would lose their financial aid package.

Credit Hours Fees Tuition Cost Total Cost CCBBC Financial Aid Church Asher Matching Student Cost
4 Hours $175.00 $1320.00 $1495.00 $860.00 $200.00 $435.00
5 Hours $175.00 $1650.00 $1825.00 $860.00 $200.00 $590.00
6 Hours $175.00 $1980.00 $2155.00 $1190.00 $200.00 $765.00
7 Hours $275.00 $2310.00 $2585.00 $1190.00 $200.00 $1195.00

Download complete fee sheet.

If a student fails a class, they will be required to pay standard tuition for the re-take of said course. However, financial aid will be available for the other classes in which the student is enrolled.

If a student withdraws from a course that was previously failed and is being retaken, they will be responsible to pay for the portion of the course at the time of their withdrawal based upon financial aid calculations.

Appeals Process:

A student may appeal the loss of Financial Aid due to “illness, injury, death of a relative, or other special circumstance.” These are examples and not the only reasons, which could be considered. Although, taking too many courses or failure to study or attend class is not acceptable. It is the students’ responsibility to request in writing that their case be taken into consideration. Once the written appeal has been received the student will be notified of the scholarship committee decision by mail within two weeks from receipt of the appeal.

*When a student takes a semester with odd credit hours, the student will cover the extra hour.