Bachelor of Arts in Ministry, Biblical Studies Track

The Bachelor of Arts in Ministry, Biblical Studies track consists of 120 hours. It is designed to equip graduates to interpret and apply biblical truth within contemporary life accurately and in their specific ministry context. In addition to taking thirty-two hours of Bible, students pursuing this track will be required to take courses like How We Got the Bible, Applied Hermeneutics, Apologetics and the Bible, as well as Hebrew 1-2 and Greek 1-2. This track will help provide the foundation for a calling to an exegetical Bible ministry or for the individual who plans to earn a post-graduate degree at a seminary.

In addition to the 76-hour core of studies (Bible/Theology & General studies), the Bachelor of Arts in Ministry, Biblical Studies track consists of 11 hours of required Ministry Studies, 8 hours of Ministry Studies electives, and 25 hours of Bible Teaching Studies.

BA in Biblical Studies Advising Sheet

If you would like to know more about this track, please contact us at or call (606) 337-3196 EXT: 150 or 104.



Bible/Theology: 44 Hours
Baptist Doctrine 3
Old Testament 1-8 16
New Testament 1-8 16
Biblical Hermeneutics 3
Christian Theology 1-2 6
Ministry Studies: 13 Hours
Church Administration and Leadership 3
Spiritual Formation 2
Evangelism and Missions 3
Sermon Preparation* 3
Sermon Delivery* 2
* female students will take Principles Of Teaching/Bible Teaching Lab
Bible Foundations: 10 Hours
Basic Christian Apologetics 2
Apologetics and the Bible 2
How We Got the Bible 2
(2) EPAS Bible Book classes 4
General Studies: 32 Hours
College Research and Literacy 3
American History 1-2 6
Church History 3
English Composition 1-2 6
Fine Arts/Humanities OR Music Appreciation 3
General Science 3
General Science Lab 1
Philosophy 3
General Psychology 3
Senior Seminar 1
Bible Teaching Studies: 21 Hours
Greek 1-2 6
Hebrew 1-2 6
The Bible’s Big Picture 3
Applied Hermeneutics 2
Biblical Backgrounds 2
Translation and Interpretation of NT/OT 2
Required Non-Credit Courses
Christian Services Assignment 1-2
Chapel (every semester)
Report of Church Involvement (every semester)
Math Proficiency
Total: 120 Hours


Student Learning Outcomes

  1. Increase in Bible Knowledge.
  2. Demonstrate the skill/ability to write an expositional exegetical expositional Bible study.
  3. Research, write, and present a topical Biblical Apologetics or Bible Typology paper.
  4. Research, write, and present an exegetical research paper using Hebrew and/or Greek Biblical Languages.